People walk into offices and workplaces each day with different emotional layers and backgrounds. Layers resulting from different expectations, personal values and years of life experiences which are now simultaneously influencing their thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, actions and reactions. Thus, not considering how people’s feelings and emotions play a part in influencing their performance, communication and interaction with others within teams and departments is like making an investment without considering the most vital information needed to make that investment profitable.

A lot of money, creative energy and hours of precious time are lost every day at workplaces through being emotional instead of mindful and emotionally intelligent which leads to things like; unhealthy conflicts, absence of trust, stress, inattention to results, jealousy, blame, lack of empathy, mental fatigue and many other emotional challenges, all of which can be addressed with the practice of mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

That is where Emotional Me corporate trainings come in. They involve advisory, one to one psychotherapy sessions and a series of proposed sessions on application of emotional intelligence in the day-to-day activities of a workplace. All designed to boost productivity and promote mental wellbeing of employees.