There are many lessons, strength and useful experience that is built on the back of dark and hopeless chapters in our lives. But for us to enjoy these; first, we need to navigate through those dark chapters and find ways to let HOPE back into our lives.

Therefore, Emotional Me Hope Kit shares different insights on helpful ways to let hope back into your life from psychology experts and experiences of others. This is also an invitation and opportunity for you to positively touch others life journeys by opening up and briefly sharing; what helped you let hope back into your life?

To share your story, click the Whatsapp icon below and use the Voicenote function to describe the dark chapter or hopeless experience you went through, what helped you find hope again and major lessons learnt from that experience regarding hope and emotional intelligence.

You can also share your story by writing to us via
Feel free to use English or Swahili in your sharing.